Friday, February 29, 2008


Today's blog is brought to you by our guest writer, Shelley.

And now the long awaited explanation of CHEVY!

As you can imagine, there was lots of excited anticipation of Cole's birth among my colleagues at work. Shortly after he was born on Friday morning, Cole's Auntie Ju Lei called her husband Paul to share the good news and announce Cole's name: Cole Cesare. Paul, who's from Ireland, happened to be working on a deck for Alice Heimsoth, who works with Ju Lei and I. So, when he talked to her that morning, he passed on the announcement so she could share with people at work. Alice then sent a very sweet email to everyone at the office, apologizing that between the phone connection and Paul's Irish accent, she may have gotten the name wrong.

Cole's middle name Cesare is the Italian form of Caesar (or Cesar, in Spanish), pronounced "CHEZ-a-ray." If you aren't familiar with the name, it can be hard to understand (which is why we chose it for his middle name, and not his first one).

In Alice's email, after her apology, she announced to my office that we had named our son Cole CHEVROLET. Which you can imagine caused quite a stir...apparently they decided that we must have some family connection to the company (or, as at least one person was convinced, he may have been conceived in a Chevrolet - which, we can assure you, he was not!)

It has since been cleared up with everyone that we didn't name our baby after a car. But Cole will forever be known as "Little Chevy" to everyone at work!

And that's the story.

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