Thursday, January 24, 2008

I suck at blogging

Yup that's right I suck at blogging. Ok so this is Cole sucking (he is a bit confused by the way, we dont know what it means when one confuses a nose for a breast only time will tell) but I needed an image to tie this together. Recently Shelley turned a friend onto blogging -someone who never blogged before and in a very short time he has gone on to post more blogs with more content than I have even thought of.. and then there is the friend who inspired me to blog, her blog is almost daily and she writes so wonderfully and captures such great detail...and then there is me, I barely even remember that I have a blog, and it takes me days to get the blogs I come up with onto the screen often times I take so long on topical moments that it isn't even worth it anymore. SOOOOOOOO, what does all this mean? It means I am going to try better at providing better information on a more timely manner in as entertaining format as possible (I mean come on how interesting is it really to read about someone Else's life?). So to help catch up and to save myself sometime and to save yourself having to read more than one post I am going to do three in one for you (look at that great deals - who said my blog aint worth it).

Part one (the most recent)

Last night was my first time truly away from Cole for a significant period of time. I had attended a lecture in the city and met up with a friend for dinner. The entire time I could only think of Cole and of Shelley. It was amazing how much I missed them even though I knew I was coming home in a few short hours. Its is amazing how fast priorities change - I would normally have been focused 100 percent on the business at hand, but now instead of talking shop the entire evening I couldn't help but steer the topic toward the best gig in town - fatherhood!

Part two (Visitors)
OK before anyone writes to complain, I only started this recently so dont get bent out of shape, you'll just have to come by again soon (and remind me that I am doing this). So with every person that visits I am going to try and get a picture of them with Cole. The first lucky visitors to have their pics with the man of the hour were Eiko and Jen. There have been a number of visitors already including Coles Grandma (my mom) Grammy (Shelley's mom) His great aunts auntie JoJo and Auntie Sandy and many of our friends. I think I have the grandmothers pictures somewhere and will try and find them and everyone else I know will be visiting soon so keep an eye out for more pictures of Cole and his California family soon.

Part three (Pictures)
When Cole was two weeks old we hired a good friend who is an amazing photographer to come and do a family photo shoot for us. The pics that came out of this were amazing and if you want to view them you can visit her smugmug site through the following link. If you are at all inclined to want a photo feel free to purchase direct from the site...I think you are supporting her in some way by doing that right Deb?
Well that wraps up my catch up Blog, it's a little long but it hopefully it will be one of the only this long. I will try to be better at being more current and I hope everyone is well.

1 comment:

Mel said...

You're doing a great job! I'm checking often and I always enjoy your funny and insightful observations.
PS Shelley's haircut is fantastic! Super-cute and professional.