Friday, November 6, 2009


For most of my life, I've been a staunch social constuctionist. It has always seemed to me that with all the amazing differences that exist among people all around the world, it's just not realistic to think that how we act, think and even to some extent how we look could be somehow hard-coded...but rather, we're taught how we're supposed to act, think, and look from the very second we're born.

Now that I've passed on my genetic code, though, all my previous beliefs are really being challenged. There are these little things Cole does that just CAN'T be learned! Take for instance, this picture (which he took himself, by the way):

Ever since he was in utero, Cole has been crossing his ankles. As those of you who remember our pregnancy know, I had a LOT of ultrasounds when I was pregnant. And at least half a dozen times, a technician commented with a chuckle that the baby was in there, crossing his ankles. And still, almost 2 years later, he does it all the time.

Now, ordinarily, this would just be an amusing quirk. Except, anyone who really knows me will know that is one of my trademarks. I always have my ankles crossed, and I'm usually not even aware of it. How in the world can a weird habit like that be somehow genetic? It totally blows my mind.

Ah, parenthood.

1 comment:

Grammy said...

"Like son!"