Monday, January 12, 2009

A True Mystery

So first, a recap - Shelley and I share child care duties. She works in the office three days a week and works from home two; I work from home and go out to perform only on Wednesday's, Friday's, and Saturday's. This is important to remember to truly appreciate the following.

So - here's the mystery - Shelley, somehow, has trained our little guy to only poop when she isn't home. That's right, all the shit comes down on daddy. From Friday, Saturday, and Sunday the kid poops once - but today - he doesn't poop once, he poops twice, all before Shelley comes home from work. I had half of a mind to let him sit in it and save the second one for her, but that wouldn't be fair to Cole, or to me - since I am the one who does the wash, and by then, it would have leaked out into his pants, and lets face it, skid marks of that magnitude just don't come out that easily. I would have said it was just chance that this happened, but it always happens, over and over again, and I just started to catch on to the pattern. She's sneaky, I will give her that.

Anywho, I just had to vent, I leave it up to you to figure out how she trained him to do this amazing poop trick - I have to go and figure a way to train him to throw his food only at her.

Until next time...

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