Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!!

Hi everyone! Cole here again.
I'm just here to share with all of you that Christmas is a lot more fun when you're 1 year + 11 days old, instead of just 11 days old like I was last year. Look at all the fun we had!

Christmas Eve, Mom and Dad let me open up the presents I got from my grandparents. There was so much stuff! Grandma got me lots and lots of trains and more track, for my Thomas the Tank Engine train set. I like to push around the trains! Plus, Dad keeps setting up the track, and I keep destroying it! It's really fun.

She also got me a pizza delivery truck that I love. It's especially fun because Uncle Stefan owns a pizza restaurant named Apizzo. I'm too far away for pizza delivery because he's in Connecticut...but I got to go there for Thanksgiving and I'm looking forward to another trip soon when Mom will let me actually eat the pizza!

Papa Steph and Bestamor got me a cool card with stickers in it. Plus there was a savings bond in there. I'll appreciate that one when I'm older - thanks, guys!

Okay, I think I'm starting to get the hang of this opening presents thing....

Grammy and Poppy got me an awesome dino book. I don't understand the math problems quite yet, but I definitely understand how to push the dinos along the track!
Sweet! Poppy sent me my own remote control! Maybe now I'll play with this one instead of chewing on the ones Mom and Dad use at our house....?? (not likely)

Guys....they spelled it wrong on the box!!

I always love getting money. I can buy so many things with this one little piece of paper! Who invented this stuff? Life is good.

Better call the grandparents and say thank you! But Dad, isn't it really late in Connecticut? What if the phone rings when Santa's there and he gets scared and leaves?

Okay, I don't even want to know what Mom and Dad do when I go to bed.

Guess what? While I was sleeping, Santa came to our house! Even though we don't have a chimney! I was concerned, but Mom and Dad assured me that he'd come anyway. These presents for Harry, though, weren't from him. I helped Dad pick these out all by myself.

I got a really cool thing that allows me to draw pictures, without writing all over things (like my hands, or the furniture....those things will come later!)

Santa got me this really fun puzzle - it's a whole bunch of musical instruments made out of wood. When I take the pieces out, I can see what they're called...and when I put them back in the right place, the puzzle plays music in the sound of that instrument. Wow.

My parents must be the stupidest parents in the whole world. But I sure do love them! They bought me this electronic drum set for me, just because I really like music and really like people playing the drums! I bet they're going to regret this one, though.

Mom and Dad also got me this Wheelie Bug so I can cruise all around our house. I don't quite have the hang of sitting on it yet - but I love pushing it around from behind. And playing with the antennae.

After all the presents, Mom made a special treat - peppermint pancakes! And this time, instead of Mom and Dad eating their pancakes in front of me while I get fruit and yogurt or something, she made me my own baby-sized pancakes! My first time eating wheat - and oh, it was yummy.

I'm telling you, guys, this Christmas thing is A.O.K.!
When's the next one scheduled?

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