Friday, October 31, 2008

Grecian baby

Well hello everyone. I hear that a bunch of you have been getting on Mom and Dad's case for not yet posting pictures from our fabulous trip to Greece. They, in turn, pass that hassle down to me. And all I have to say is that I'm a busy guy!! I have to keep an eye on my mom and dad to make sure they cook my food, remember to feed me, change my diaper, make sure I take enough naps, and of course, entertain me! Oh, and they keep saying they have this thing called "work," although I'm not sure what they could be interested in doing besides spending time with me.
Anyway, I digress. Here you go, I've been working on this for what seems like forever!

We took a red-eye from JFK to Venice, Italy. Finally, a place where people know how to pronounce my middle name!! Then, when we got there, I found out that Poppie and Grammy had arranged for a private water taxi to bring us from the airport to our hotel. Sweeeet!

Man, I'm tellin' ya - those red eyes make you tired! Good thing there was time for a nap.

Here we are in St. Mark's Square in Venice. Uh, guys? Why am I still in my pajamas???

Wow, Venice is beautiful. Whose idea was it to build a city on the water?

You know you're in Italy when there's a whole display of pasta like this in the window of a restaurant.

What the heck is this??? An autographed picture of me goes to anyone who submits a comment with the correct answer.

Well, that's enough exploration of Italy....time for the water taxi to take us to the ship!!

Here it is! Splendour of the Seas.

They say the check-in process took awhile. I don't know what they're talking about.

This is a ship? How do they keep this thing afloat?

Guys? Are we going somewhere? Somewhere cold and wet?

We better not need to use this thing for real, Dad!

Okay, now that we've been trained what to do in an emergency, it's time to help Grammy and Poppie unpack!

Everyone to the deck to watch the ship depart!

Now we're in Greece. This is the Roman Theater - wow, what a view. Those Greeks know a little something about entertainment. (Wait, or is it the Romans? I'm confused).

Here we all are, in front of the Parthenon at the Acropolis. Can you see us???

Daddy's so great - he always keeps me entertained.

Poppie's not so bad at entertaining, either. I love when he carries me around! Just wait until I'm 45 pounds, old guy... :)

Dad, are you mocking me? That's mean. It's hard being a baby sometimes!

Good thing Royal Caribbean teaches all their stateroom attendants to make cool animals with towels. I love puppies, and this one doesn't even try to lick me!

Now we're at our second port of call - Mykonos. Wow, how beautiful. Just like I always imagined it.

Mom, now explain to me how this whole thing works again?

It's the famous pelican of Mykonos! I can't believe he just walks around in the streets and stuff!

Wow, the windmills were gorgeous. I want to live in a windmill when I grow up. Especially one in Mykonos.

Grammy, does Poppie know about this guy? What's going on here?

Where is that boat going? Doesn't it need water? And are those octopi hanging to dry out in the sun? Mmmmmm. That's not on my menu for awhile, I bet.

Oh Poppie, I love reading with you on the balcony. I love the salty fresh air in my lungs. Oh, and thanks for the book, Grammy - Pepper the Puppy is my favorite now.

Look at us all dressed up! Formal night was fun and I got to dress up like a big boy. My parents tried to find a tux but there wasn't one to fit me....oh well, next time.

I don't see any fire...but they tell me this is where the Olympic Torch originates from, in Ancient Olympia. We must be on the island of Peloponnesus. The ancient home of the Olympics - how cool.

Mom and Grammy are so silly! They're preparing for their Olympic race, in the Ancient Olympic Stadium. (You're a few years late, ladies).

Well, after all that time thinking about the Olympics, I've got a hankerin' for another kind of game. How else will I pay for my toys? Good thing the ship is well set up to meet my needs.

They say this one is called "craps." That makes me giggle. I'm good at craps, so they say.

Now we're in Corfu. The silly people from Royal Caribbean cancelled our coastal walking tour because of rain, so we made up our own tour of the city. Here I am at the Old Fortress!

Corfu is beautiful. Especially from atop a fortress. I'll have to see if someone can build me a fortress back in California. I bet I could get some nice views there, too.

I guess this is why they cancelled the walking tour. Guys, if we have an umbrella, why are you making me wear this hat??

Now that the rain has stopped, guess it's time for some lunch. But I'm so tired from the climb up the hill, good thing Poppie is giving me a break and carrying me back down.

Aw, Mom. I love you, too. But is it time for food yet??

Uh, Grammy, I think that Ouzo is licorice-flavored...I don't think you're going to like it....

Why does no one listen to me? Is it because I'm a baby??

Myself, I think licorice is pretty great. Just give me some help with opening this bottle and we'll all be sleeping better tonight, I promise.

Seriously, this smile is NOT the result of Ouzo. I'm just a kook.

Grammy, thanks for keeping me company while my parents get ready for dinner. But aren't I going to need some pants?

This is Nilesh and Ronaldo, our waiters in the dining room. They were really nice, and I especially liked that Nilesh's watch would light up blue when he pressed a button. I want a watch like that!

This must mean we're in our last port: Split, Croatia. There was a huge wizard there! They must have known Daddy was coming for a visit.

They say it's good luck if you rub the wizard's toe. I hope it works! Looks like a lot of other people have been rubbing here, too.

This is our last dinner out in the world....after this, it's back to the ship. Yum, Croatian food. Lots of seafood. I just got spinach and potatoes, though, if I remember correctly. I told you, it's tough being a baby sometimes.

Bath time! Good thing Dad brought my big rubber ducky to set up in the bathroom. I love bath time!

Where's our next vacation going to be? I'm practicing to fit in, just in case you say Israel. But something tells me a Royal Carribean water glass topper wouldn't pass for acceptable there. Hmm.

So sad, already time to fly home. Look at the Italian alps reaching above the clouds!

On an 8 1/2 hour flight, people will do just about anything to keep a baby happy. I discovered a love for playing with water! It did feel kind of strange at first, though.

Thanks, Grammy and Poppie, for such a great vacation.
I love you guys!

1 comment:

Papa Steph said...

Cavoli Jesi ... that green vegetable ... is Cauliflower Romanesco (Italian Calabrese) which grows near Rome, has green spiral flower clusters and has a mild taste.