Saturday, June 14, 2008

6 months old.

Hard to believe it, but today is Cole's half birthday already.

9 months ago, we weren't sure we'd even be able to celebrate this day. And here we are! It has been six amazing months. So much change, so much learning, and so much fun. Definitely lots to celebrate.

Cole's first tooth broke through the surface yesterday - we'd include a picture but it's pretty impossible to take one at this point, because a) the tooth is still barely visible, and b) Cole's pretty big on covering up those gums with his tongue every time we try to get a look. Stay tuned for a picture once it grows in more, though.

He's still loving solid food - so far, he's tried rice cereal, apple, carrot, avocado, pear, and, as of today, peas. Apple seems to be his favorite. Rice cereal, not so much. And here's what he does with avocado:

Oh, and one more update: as of today, we've committed to stop swearing (at least in Cole's presence). We're not exactly sure when kids start really learning words (hoping it's not long before 6 months) but we figure we don't want his first word to be one that starts with an "f." Unless it's "fabulous."

He's still growing strong - started right around Maine and he's already stretching to Iceland! Here are the last 3 months - click here for the months before that (was he EVER that tiny?)


5 months:

4 months (he's happy in this one!):
Well, that's it for now on this turkey weekend. (Today's Cole's half birthday, tomorrow's father's day - happy 1st father's day Daddy! - and Monday is our 6 year wedding anniversary.) Like we said, lots to celebrate.

More later...happy father's day to all those dads out there.


Anonymous said...

Good gaud, that kid is going to take over the world at this rate.

Anonymous said...

Your kid has a tooth already!??!?! No way! James has yet to have a tooth appear in his head. :P I think he's trying to keep his "baby cuteness factor" as long as he possibly can...sheesh.

Cole is a cutie - I love reading your blog!

Pepka said...

Love that hat cole. Few men your size can rock the newsboy look.