Monday, March 17, 2008

3 months and growing.

As of Friday, Cole is three months old. He had his check up at the doc's today and he is weighing in at 13lbs 3oz and measures a little over 23 inches. The doctor seem to be happy with his progress which makes us very happy. For a reference of how he is doing here are some monthly pictures - as you can see he is slowly taking over the world, in fact he is a bit of a tyrant and pissed on Australia, guess he doesn't like the dingos.

one week

One Month

Two Months

Three Months

Also a little back story on the last post. First of all, I am always amazed by youtube, I put that on before bed with the intention of posting here the next morning, by the time I woke up this kid had been seen around the world by 75 people with comments coming in from Brazil and Belgium, just goes to show you how small the world is nowadays. Anyways, this was a gift from a good friend Chipper Lowell, magician and comedian in LA (if you ever get a chance see his show - VERY funny guy) and I just couldn't resist playing with the video camera with it. Leave it to two magicians to torture a child in this manner.

Well that's it for now, Shelley is back to work, I am performing again, and we are trying to keep our heads above water all at the same time - but we couldn't be happier!

Until next time...Talk soon.

1 comment:

Mel said...

How can he grow that fast?? You guys are taking great care of the little one!