Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Big Boy Bed

Well, this is it. Cole has been fighting us going to bed (naps or nighttime) in a serious way for almost a week now. Every time we even hint at the crib, he starts crying hysterically and sobbing, "No, Cole happy!" We still haven't determined whether he thinks happy actually means "not tired" or whether he thinks only sad people need to sleep.

Regardless, yesterday we noticed the pattern that he would happily go to sleep on the couch or in our bed, just not his own bed. (Too bad that's terribly inconvenient!) Last night, when attempting to put him to bed, in between cries of "Cole happy!" he added in "Cole sleep couch!!" So, we hesitantly asked whether Cole would like to have a big boy bed, like a couch in his room - no more crib. And he immediately responded with a tearful "Yeah..."

Today, then, we retrieved the toddler bed bar for his convertible crib/bed set and made the conversion.



He immediately squealed with delight and climbed into his bed, putting his head on his pillow (in mock nap - not real one - make no mistake).

Will this be our much-awaited sleep solution? I'm not holding my breath. Whether he'll stay put during bedtime is surely still TBD. But it's worth a shot...and we can always tun it back into a crib if need be.

Stay tuned for a progress report in a few days!!

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