Friday, February 27, 2009

We have a climber!

That's right - Cole is a climber. Thankfully not yet out of the crib - but he does stairs like a pro, and the other day he decided to climb a pile of boxes to get to the top of our bookshelves - I do believe a little bit of pee leaked out of me on that one when I turned around to see where he was and why I didn't hear the normal pitter patter of hands on the floor. Don't worry, it was our short bookshelves at least.

The other day at the park - he decided to climb up the steps of the slide and then throw himself head first down the chute. He has no fear...a good thing ...I guess...on the bright side I am getting back into shape just trying to keep up with him lately.

Well, there will be a whole lot to report on very soon, but for now I will leave you all with a link to Cole's modeling debut.

This is a friend of mine who is a designer and does some amazing work, and she designed the fabric and wanted to show some of the fun things you could do with it. Enjoy.

Until Next time...

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