Friday, September 12, 2008

Daddy freaked out

Cole had his first experience with the ED.

No that does not stand for erectile dysfunction (thank you Pfizer for popularizing that one) I am referring to what was formally known as the ER – (ED is the PC term and stands for Emergency Department for all those non medical non get hurt people).

Anyways, I noticed a white patch on Coles’ tongue and freaked out thinking it was a freak genetic mutation or a large wad of paper that was stuck on the back of the tongue that would surely dislodge and restrict his breathing making him a living smurf. It wouldn’t scrap off, so I played the parental freak out card for the first official time (official meaning actually going to the hospital).

Long story short – we brought Cole to Children’s Hospital Oakland and after a two hour wait (it was actually very well handled – CHO is a great place) I was able to ask a doctor “what is the white spot on my kids tongue?” Answer: “A white spot”.

No fooling that was the answer, nothing plastered there, not a freak limb growing, just a white spot that could or could not be one of three things, all very minor and nothing to worry about.

Damn – I used up my first freak out on a freakin white spot.

Until next time

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