Sunday, August 24, 2008

Alright already - here are the %&*#@! Pictures

OK, so I am a slacker, I said I would get you pictures and I never did it - sitting around eating bon bon's is hard work.

Anyways, here they are - a plethra of Mexico Pics. Enjoy!

So Why are we in Mexico City where I got to Play on FIVE STAR sheets?
It wasnt so I could play in a life size condom - Mommies friends did that.
It wasn't so dad could pay three peso's to go to the bathroom - (That's all the paper they give you when you pay -good thing it was number 1)

Hey who put this picture in here - don't look at me I'm naked

It wasnt for the sunsets - Why are they so nice down here (cough, cough)
It wasn't for the street food - nice to look at but we didnt dare eat it.

It wasn't for the cool music on a portable organ that they "grind" (Shh we took this pic without paying)

It wasn't for the coffee - mmmmmm coffee
Did I mention it wasn't for the coffee? Oh How I want thee.

We didn't come to Mexico city to see the presidential palace and it's great courtyards.

We didn't come so I could learn a neat way to carry my room key

Or see one of the worlds LARGEST cities from way up high.

It sure wasn't to meet this interesting fellow.

Or this one - ELMO? You speak Spanish?

It wasn't for the daily thunder storms - thanks dad for Holding the umbrella - your doing a smashing job.

It could have been for the ladies...although it was a good bonus...

I Like this one ALOT! Can I keep her?

It sure wasn't for the Crib's - can you say lawsuit kids? I knew you could.

I don't think we came here so mom could carry me while I slept

Did we come to Mexico City to see really cool art work like this by Diego Rivera? No but it was neat.

So Why did we come to Mexico City if it wasn't to see cool cactus growing through chainlink fences...
Or to Climb (or be carried) up the Sun Pyramid - Dont worry the camera was at an angle, dads not that good.

Oh hey what the deuce Im not your sun god sacrafice put me down...

Thats Better -

As I was saying, if we didn't come here for all these amazing sites, then why were we here?

It wasn't to get confused in the metro - I thought we left SF

But I will give you a hint - What condoms on veggies doesn't help?

Speaking of condoms - mom and dad had to protect the stroller/highchair when I ate...with FIVE STAR TOWELS - bet they wonder why they had carrott stains on them.

So if it want for the big red ants...

Or the Pyramids

Or the store that sold naked people

and it for sure wasn't for the torture museum dad wanted to bring me too (he was too smart for that, mom would have killed him...hey she could have used the stuff in here for that)

And if it wasn't to goof off with dad...

Or view the city from our hotel room...

or get taken by this old lady

or see the Palace of fine arts...

or see a train that has no tracks...

The reason we are here must be because of this poster...which mom presented along with two others at the International Confrence on AIDS

Wow - after all that I am tired. Until Next time.

PS. Dad hates the way BLOGSPOT formats pic's it's a big pain in his ass.

1 comment:

Pepka said...

Man all the cool places you get to go Cole! And so nice to see that you still care enough about the folks to take them along. Most kids would just take Dad's Amex and split; you're the coolest.